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What Is The Biggest Lie That People Believe Worldwide?

Mark Clary

Whether you are religious or not, most people believe that they will go to heaven or a “better place” when they die. The deceased at a funeral is always spoken of as being in heaven and now “looking down on us,” right? Most religions and people in the world perceive God as all loving and merciful and just waiting to hand you the keys to eternal life if you utter a few words, believe a few facts and/or do some good deeds. Most religions in the world get their moral writings and teachings from the God of Christianity. The problem is that most of these religions pervert the hallowed truths stated in the Bible to fit their own selfish god-like agenda because we love ourselves too much. We prefer to gratify our own lustful appetites, whether it be the god of our belly (overeating), sex, greed, power, or some other sensual appetite. God's Word clearly states that only the poor in spirit who are weak and heavy laden with their sin will inherit the Kingdom of God. If you do not have the discipline to deny yourself the many pleasures of the flesh, you will most certainly wished you had when you are in torment and agony in hell for all of eternity.

The Christian church today really looks no different than many religions of the world, whether it be Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism etc. The mainline Christian churches of today are basically another form of false religion that panders to the selfish god of our imagination. Most people want to be saved from hell, but not from their sin, self-will, and self-pleasing. I would like to quote some excerpts from “Genuine Salvation” by Arthur Pink, who was an American theologian from the 1930s. These excerpts are meant to wake you up so that you do not make the same fatal errors many have throughout time and are now perishing in the Lake of Fire for all of eternity.

It is now almost universally supposed that saving faith is nothing more than an act of the human will, which any man is capable of performing: all that is needed is to bring before a sinner a few verses of Scripture which describe his lost condition, one or two which contain the word “believe,” and then a little persuasion for him to “accept Christ,” and the thing is done. And the awful thing is that so very, very few, see anything wrong with this--blind to the fact that such a process is only the devil's drug to lull thousands into a false peace.

Here, then, is the explanation why true repentance is so little preached today. The sense of God's governmental supremacy has been lost, the claims of His righteousness are ignored, the unchanging demands of His holy Law are no longer recognized, hence, the unregenerate, not knowing God, having no sense of His infinite glory, and there being practically nothing in present-day preaching to instruct them therein, it follows that all their fancied reverence for and devotion to God takes its rise from merely selfish considerations, nothing but self-love (the natural instinct of self-preservation) lying at the bottom of modern “Christianity.”

The head-knowledge of Divine truth, which is all that multitudes of present-day professing Christians possess, has no more influence upon their walk unto practical godliness, than though it was stored up in some other man's brains. The light which the Spirit gives, humbles and abases its recipient; (vs.) the knowledge which is acquired by education and personal efforts, puffs up and fills with conceit.

Until the ungodly are sensible of the exceeding sinfulness of their vile course of self-will and self-pleasing, until they are genuinely broken down and penitent over it before God, until they are willing to forsake the world for Christ, until they have resolved to come under His government,--for such to depend upon Him for pardon and life is not faith, but blatant presumption.”

If this did not prick your conscience at some level or wake you up from your slumber, then there is a good chance you are deceived and have become your own god; if so, you will most likely experience hell in an inferno of fire. Until you feel the burden of your own sin and desire to please God in obedience to His Word, you are not on the narrow way to eternal life.

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