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Mark Clary

Why Do We Make Excuses For Our Behavior?

It is evident that making excuses for our actions is universal and is becoming more and more accepted as normative in all areas of our society. We have become masters in the art of deflecting blame or our responsibility. We can justify about anything so long as it does not infringe upon our own selfish ambitions and god-like mentality. We will make up pretend reasons for our conduct in hopes of avoiding accountability. Sadly, our society enables a myriad of behaviors under the guise of personal freedoms and speech. For example, take the current pro-Palestinian protests taking place nationwide across college campuses (government run brain washing centers). To cure this temper tantrum, we all know that you simply need a good dose of discipline to purge such petulant behavior out of your system. Unfortunately, the adults that should be enforcing such discipline are the very people these students have listened to and learned from in the first place. So not only do the students need a good dose of discipline, but also the teachers and administrators that are in charge. It is evident that such discipline will not happen to the degree that it should. Thus, you have a society that continues to enable such behavior at the expense of those of us who still have an once of common sense and decency. A person who has a zeal and desire to obey God's Word will not plead and insist upon rights privileges.

The origins of blaming something or someone for our stupid behaviors goes all the way back to the Book of Genesis in the Bible. The Lord God had instructed Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because if you eat from this tree you will surely die (Genesis 2:17). Eve desired to be her own god and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree which the Lord God instructed her not to eat (Genesis 3:5-6). When Eve was confronted by the Lord God for disobeying a direct order not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Eve said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” (Genesis 3:13). Adam fared no better in making excuses when asked by the Lord God why he ate from the forbidden tree. Adam said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate” (Genesis 3:12). Eve blamed the serpent for her behavior (the devil made me do it) and Adam blamed Eve for his behavior. Since that time, the entire human race has used these two excuses either secretly or outwardly. If anyone reading this blog thinks they have not used either of these excuses, then you are certainly deceiving yourself and the truth is not in you. Both Adam and Eve desired to be their own gods, much as we see today in the world around us. Desiring to be your own god is nothing more than pride and self importance in an attempt to dethrone the real God or make yourself superior to other people. In short, the first of the Ten Commandments as stated in Exodus 20:3 was broken, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Anyone who continues down this course of behavior is committing a grievous sin, worthy of eternal death according to God's Word. The Lord God commands us in Deuteronomy 6:5, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”

In large part, the act of making excuses rests squarely on our many sensual appetites for sin in our lives. It is rare to find someone who will own their sin; let alone desire to fight against such sins and be obedient to what God says in His Word. We are hell bent on being our own god and we will protect our own selfish interests at any cost. Some common excuses we make for our sinful behavior include, “I am LGBTQ because I was born this way,” “I eat junk food and drink alcohol too much because my life is stressful,” “I have a (fill in the blank) mental condition that causes me to think and act this way,” “I'm overweight and unhealthy because I don't have time to exercise and eat right,” “My parents were alcoholics, smokers, and did drugs, which is why I do them,” “I lie and steal because I ran with the wrong crowd,” “I committed murder because I am insane,” “I have depression and anxiety because of genetics, or I lost my job, or I was bullied, or spent all my money,” and the list goes on and on. If you find yourself making excuses for your sinful behavior and think it is not worth the fight to deny yourself and obey God's Word then one day you will wish you had, when you are in torment and agony for all of eternity in hell.

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